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August 17, 2013

Special Someone Saturday - TMI: City of Bones Cast

Hello lovely people! Anyone who follows me on Twitter or Tumblr knows just how obsessed I am with Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments. In honor of the fact that the film adaptation of book one, City of Bones, releases this Wednesday, I'm going to shake things up by featuring a couple of someones aka the central cast.

I know there's been a lot of controversy over these castings, but personally, I love them all. I think they're gorgeous people and from the footage I've seen, have really stepped into the shoes of their respective characters.

As a heads up, none of the images below are mine. They can all be found on the official Tumblr for the movie. 

So without further ado, first up is Lily Collins as Clary Fray:

(Not going to lie, she is exactly who I pictured for Clary.)

Next we have the one and only Jamie Campbell Bower as Jace (insert last name of choice here):

(Seriously, if that doesn't scream Jace to you, I honestly don't know what will.) 

Then there are the Lightwood siblings, Kevin Zegers as Alec and Jemima West as Isabelle:

(Looking better in black than the widows of their enemies since 1234.)

Say hi to Robert Sheehan, your Simon Lewis:

(Such an accurate portrayal that it's almost unreal to me.)

There's a special place in my heart for the lovely Lena Headey who plays the badass Jocelyn Fray:

(Because really, anyone who can kick ass with a frying pan and a fridge door is a beast.)

And of course, one does not simply forget Godfrey Gao portraying Magnus Bane:

(No pants. This guy is already ridiculously attractive, so apparently someone's trying to kill us all.)

Of course, I haven't highlighted everyone here, most notably Aidan Turner who plays Luke Garroway and Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Valentine Morgenstern, but I think I've made my point.

Wednesday really cannot come fast enough.

Feel free to sound off in the comments! :)


  1. Haha, Zareen, my Twitter feed has been filled with TMI love solely from you! ;) I'm excited to see it, although I STILL don't see Jamie Campbell Bower as Jace. I don't know why, but it just won't click. Although I do like Lily Collins as Clary. She seems very Clary to me. =) And YES to Robert Sheehan as Simon! That's exactly how I pictured Simon!

    Lovely post, Zareen! <3

  2. I know, I know, I do tend to go overboard sometimes lol but I'm not sorry! >:)

    To each his/her own! I can totally respect your opinion, but I do hope JCB proves you wrong on the big screen. :P Thanks for the comment love, Aneeqah! <3
