Happy 2013 to all of you! Hope 2012 was a great year, and this coming year is even better. 2012 was an interesting year. It was really stressful, busy, but fun. I got the opportunity to meet so many more blogging friends, speak at a convention, a festival, and have my first blogversary. I'm quite excited for 2013. This year is full of excitement and adventure. This year I turn 18, graduate from high school, get college acceptance letters (I hope!), go to college, and start my life as an adult!
I have three New Years Resolutions,
First, I want to get a proper sleeping schedule. I want to become healthier, and more active again.
Second, Stress out less, and just enjoy life for what it is
Third, start posting, reviewing and reading more. But I want to make sure blogging does not become a job, and stays a hobby :)
All I can say is, have a great new years, and hopefully it is full of life, prosperity, joy, books, and everything else that is positive about life!
Hahaha.. yours goals are seriously.. the exact as mine. Except that you don't have becoming more financially stable in yours haha .. can I be a kid again?